Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Natural Cleaner



Phosphate Free, Non-Polluting,100% Organic, Not a soap, Not a Detergent, Non-toxic, Biodegradable, Non-Irritating, Non-Volatile, Non-Magnetic

Household uses

Walls & Woodwork…2 Tbsp NSP Concentrate per gallon of water; sponge or spray on, rinse and dry.
Refrigerators, Ranges & Major Appliances…2 Tbsp NSP Concentrate per gallon of water. Apply full strength for removal of stubborn spots. Rinse
Windows, Mirrors, all Glass…1 drop from a squeeze bottle in a 4 oz spray bottle of water or 1 tsp NSP Concentrate per gallon of water, spray or sponge on rinse & wipe dry. Glass will smear if more than prescribed amount is used.
Dishes…1-2 tsp in the sink. Dirty pans fill with water add ½ tsp, let stand to loosen all stuck particles.
Floors…2 Tbsp of NSP Concentrate per gallon of hot water. Rinse thoroughly before applying wax. This concentration will not remove polish.
Ceramic & Plastic Tile…2 Tbsp of NSP Concentrate per gallon of water. Sponge or spray on. Rinse
Kitchen Floors…½ tsp to quart of warm water for cleaning without polish.
Dusting…1/4 tsp to pint of water. Spray solution on clean cloth and wipe or wet sponge and squeeze until almost dry. Leaves bright, non-magnetic surface that will not attract dust.
Chrome Fixtures…2 Tbsp NSP Concentrate per gallon of water, rinse and polish dry.
Fish Odors…Use one Tbsp per quart of water, works wonders around other “fishy” areas.
Fruits & Vegetables (Including- Baking Potatoes)…1\2 Tsp per basin of water, wash then rinse to remove residue of poisonous sprays and grime.
To Crisp Lettuce…Use 2 or 3 drops in bowl of water.
Coffeemaker…¼ tsp in pot of water, run through cycle, run through again with fresh water.
Knives…A few drops on cutting stone for sharpening knives. Keep moist and add as needed. Doesn’t clog stone, which is very important in sharpening tools. Stone is free of residue when rinsed.
Spot Remover…Apply directly on to spot and use toothbrush to rub in then wipe off with damp cloth or rinse. Good for coffee, lipstick, ink, grass, shoe polish or grease from washable, colorfast materials.
Ironing…A few drops in steam iron keeps jet and interior clean. Makes steam wetter! Keeps iron free of mineral deposits. No need to buy distilled water. Iron on a rag the first time- It will clean out any old deposits.

Personal Uses

Cleaning Hands…Put a few drops in palm, rub thoroughly over both hands. Add a little water; continue with washing action then rinse. Removes tobacco stains, grease, onion or garlic odors.
Bathing…2 tsp to tub of water, run water full force for suds. Cleans thoroughly gently and safely leaving your skin feeling like velvet. Leaves no bathtub ring. Perfect for baby’s bath. Less alkaline than baby soap. (Use 1 tsp for Baby)
Hand & Body Cleaner & Shampoo…Place a few drops of NSP in palm, rub well and rinse.
Shaving…Apply full strength to face and add water to make slight lather. Razorblades last longer. Lets you see where you are shaving.


Outside Windows & Screens…1 Tsp of NSP to 2 gallons of water in Ortho bottle for spraying.
Boat Algae…1 Tbsp in 1 gallon of water.
Concrete and Mortar mix…1/2 oz to 1 gallon of water to make mixture spread easier, set harder.
Remove Skunk Smell…2 Tbsp per gallon of water.
Camping…Straight on the bottom of pots and pans and kettles before cooking to prevent carbon from sticking and makes them easier to clean.
Insect Bites…Rub directly on bites--relieves itching.
Golfers…1 tsp in a pint of water for golf clubs and golf balls. Excellent for golf gloves.
Fertilizer…2-3 drops per gallon of water, once a week. Don’t overdo it on plants
Rose Bushes…1 tsp to a 1 gallon of water. Spraying rose bushes will protect them from red spider and other diseases and will make bushes flourish. It is also a fertilizer.
In garden In ground…2 oz per gallon of water.
Above ground or on Plants…1oz per gallon
House Plants…A few drops in water to make plants flourish. Use to wipe down leaves.
Green Lawns…2 Tbsp to bottle that attaches to a garden hose that is full of water. Will make 2 gallons.
A Soil Conditioner…In the ground; 2 quarts to 40 gallons of water per acre.
On Plants or Above Ground…1 quart per 40 gallons of water
Eggs…1 oz plus ½ an oz SGC to 25 gallons of water to clean and sanitize eggs. Holds down odors

General Uses

Cleans Eye Glasses…Add one drop of NSP Concentrate in a 4 oz spray bottle fill with water, spray on and wipe off.
Aquariums…1 tsp in a quart of water for coral rocks. Will clean entire aquarium. Rinse thoroughly.
Bath the Dog…1 Tbsp of NSP Concentrate in 1 gallon of water.
Gum…Use full strength to remove gum from skin, carpet or clothes.
Laboratories…Is excellent for cleaning glass slides used under microscopes where oil and magnetic particles must be eliminated. It also saves time and is effective in cleaning blood stained test tubes.
Contact Lenses…Use 2 drops to ½ a cup of water. Rinse thoroughly.
Shoe Cleaner…2 drops on wet cloth. Will not remove wax finish. Shine with dry cloth.
Leather…Cleans leather better than saddle soap. Put 2 drops on damp sponge. Clean and wipe dry. Will not harm leather
Vinyl Upholstery…1 Tbsp per gallon of water. Works wonders on all vinyl coverings. Keep diluted bottle in automobile on hand for on the spot wipe-ups.

Photography…to clean negatives use 1 drop in a gallon of water. Pans are thoroughly cleaned leaving none of the usual residue.
Plaster Casts…many doctors have found it just the thing for removing plaster off their hands after setting casts on patients.
Humidifier…3 to 4 drops in water to help prevent rust and scum; eliminates mineral deposits.
Plumbing…Will keep pipes open and clean when used regularly. It emulsifies grease and can eliminate cleaning of grease traps.
Rapidograph Pens…A few drops will clean engineering pens, keep them working smoothly.
Fire extinguisher…Use large spray bottle anywhere you need a fire extinguisher.
Frying Vats…Use ½ a cup to 3 gallons of water. Boil for 5 minutes, stirring constantly, dissipates stubborn crusts without damage to vats.
Computer Screen…Demagnetizes screen, see directions for glass cleaner
C D Cleaner…Use 2 to 3 drops of solution in small basin of water. (Bathroom sink) bath your C D’s, rinse and wipe.


Woolens, Silks, Nylons & all Fine Fabrics… 1 tsp to basin of water. For spots apply a drop or two directly on the spot and press in with thumb; then immerse sweater in cold water solution of one Tsp per 1 gallon allow to stand a few minutes, then rinse by squeezing water through. Lay to dry.
Laundry Booster…Add 1 tsp. of NSP Concentrate to water to boost laundry compound
Clothes Dryer…Use large spray bottle with cleaner solution (1/2 tsp to 500ml of water) to eliminate static.
Baby Clothing…Before Laundering apply NSP Concentrate full strength to stains in infants clothing, diapers and bibs.
Diapers…1/2 a tsp in pail of water. Eliminates odors in washrooms.

Automotive uses

Washing…1Tbsp in a gallon of water. Easy removal of bugs and road grime. Wash small area at a time, hose off. Wipe windshield, windows, chrome after rinsing; rest of car dries without spots or streaks.
Battery Terminals…1/2 a tsp in pint of water. Spray on & let soak for 2 minutes then clean with a wire brush. Use full strength to avoid corrosive or galvanic action.
Windshield Washer…Add 5 to 6 drops to 1 quart of water and fill windshield washing container. May need to add anti-freeze in winter.
Engines…Use ½ an oz to one 1 gallon of water to clean engine. Will not affect paint, gaskets or insulating material. Best results can be achieved when the engine is hot for fastest drying of the ignition system
Tires…Great for white walls. Spray on rims, tires go on easier. BEAUTIFUL LUBRICANT
Chrome Fixtures…2 Tbsp NSP Concentrate per gallon of water, rinse and polish dry.
Commercial Car wash…1 quart of NSP to 100 gallon tank

Paint & Wallpaper

Painting & Dyeing…Apply full strength to hand and face before painting or dyeing and allow to dry. Paint or dye will wash off easily afterwards. This is called “THE INVISIBLE GLOVE”
Paint Brushes…Work straight into brush, wash with water. Non- flammable. Spray Can Snow or Poster Paint on Windows…1/2 Tsp in quart of warm water to remove.
Wallpaper Removing…2 Tbsp to a pail of hot water, apply with swab or mop and lift off. Use a solution of 1 Tbsp per gallon of water to clean off the residue.


It is the most economical cleaner you can buy. 1 quart makes 64 gallons of cleaning solution by following directions. Do not use more than recommended—a little goes a long way.
--It has a PH Factor of 6.5 - is a fantastically versatile cleaner.
--The successor to soap! Makes water 100 times wetter
--Does not hinder bacterial action of septic tanks or cesspools.
--DO NOT put finger or foreign matter into container. Large amounts of bacteria can cause degrading action and weaken your cleaner.
--Mix with your favourite essential oils for scented cleaning.


Anonymous said...

try JetPens: Japanese Pens for hi-tec-c pens, so you don't have to waste as much time cleaning your rapidographs!

Anonymous said...

='Brand New News Fr0m The Timber Industry!!'=

========Latest Profile==========
Energy & Asset Technology, Inc. (EGTY)
Current Price $0.15

Recognize this undiscovered gem which is poised to jump!!

Please read the following Announcement in its Entierty and
Consider the Possibilities�
Watch this One to Trad,e!

Because, EGTY has secured the global rights to market
genetically enhanced fast growing, hard-wood trees!

EGTY trading volume is beginning to surge with landslide Announcement.
The value of this Stoc,k appears poised for growth! This one will not
remain on the ground floor for long.

KEEP READING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


-Energy and Asset Technology, Inc. (EGTY) owns a global license to market
the genetically enhanced Global Cedar growth trees, with plans to
REVOLUTIONIZE the forest-timber industry.

These newly enhanced Globa| Cedar trees require only 9-12 years of growth before they can
be harvested for lumber, whereas worldwide growth time for lumber is 30-50 years.

Other than growing at an astonishing rate, the Global Cedar has a number of other benefits.
Its natural elements make it resistant to termites, and the lack of oils and sap found in the wood
make it resistant to forest fire, ensuring higher returns on investments.
he wood is very lightweight and strong, lighter than Poplar and over twice
as strong as Balsa, which makes it great for construction. It also has
the unique ability to regrow itself from the stump, minimizing the land and
time to replant and develop new root systems.

Based on current resources and agreements, EGTY projects revenues of $140 Million
with an approximate profit margin of 40% for each 9-year cycle. With anticipated
growth, EGTY is expected to challenge Deltic Timber Corp. during its initial 9-year cycle.

Deltic Timber Corp. currently trades at over $38.00 a share with about $153 Million in revenues.
As the reputation and demand for the Global Cedar tree continues to grow around the world
EGTY believes additional multi-million dollar agreements will be forthcoming. The Global Cedar nursery has produced
about 100,000 infant plants and is developing a production growth target of 250,000 infant plants per month.

Energy and Asset Technology is currently in negotiations with land and business owners in New Zealand,
Greece and Malaysia regarding the purchase of their popular and profitable fast growing infant tree plants.
Inquiries from the governments of Brazil and Ecuador are also being evaluated.


The examples above show the Awesome, Earning Potential of little
known Companies That Explode onto Investor�s Radar Screens.
This s-t0ck will not be a Secret for long. Then You May Feel the Desire to Act Right
Now! And Please Watch This One Trade!!


All statements made are our express opinion only and should be treated as such.
We may own, take position and sell any securities mentioned at any time. Any statements that express or involve discussions with respect
to predictions, goals, expectations, beliefs, plans, projections, object'ives, assumptions or future events or perfo'rmance are
statements of historical fact and may be "forward,|ooking
statements." forward,|ooking statements are based on expectations, estimates
and projections at the time the statements are made that involve a number of risks and uncertainties which could cause actual results
or events to differ materially from those presently anticipated. This newsletter was paid $3,000 from third party (IR Marketing).
Forward,|ooking statements in this action may be identified through the use of words such as: "pr0jects", "f0resee", "expects". in compliance with Se'ction 17. {b), we disclose the holding of EGTY shares prior to the publication of this report. Be aware of an inherent conflict of interest resulting from such holdings due to our intent to profit from the liquidation of these shares. Shar,es may be sold at any time, even after positive statements have been made regarding the above company. Since we own shares, there is an inherent conflict of interest in our statements and opinions. Readers of this publication are cautioned not
to place undue reliance on forward,|ooking statements, which are based on certain assumptions and expectations involving various risks and uncertainties that could cause results to
differ materially from those set forth in the forward- looking statements. This is not solicitation to buy or sell st-0cks, this text is
or informational purpose only and you should seek professional advice from registered financial advisor before you do anything related
with buying or selling st0ck-s, penny st'0cks are very high risk and you can lose your entire inves,tment.

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