Alfalfa-Healath Builder, nutrient rich, feed pituitary gland, alkalize overacidity.
Barley Greens - Energy, nutritive immune builder, nutrient rich
Bee Pollen - Quick energy, slow down aging, natural no-doze, all essential amino acids
Bilberry - Night vision, near sightedness, eye fatigue, pressue, cloudiness
Black Cohosh - Estrogen-like properties, hot flashes, nerves
Black Walnut - Parasites, worms, skin rashes, connective tissue pain and inflammation
Blessed Thistle - Bring oxygen to brain, strengthen memeory, increase mother's milk
Burdock - Reduce swelling and deposits in joints, blood purity, skin eruptions, high in iron
Butcher's Broom - Improve Circulation, leg cramps, broken veins, blood vessel plaque
Very interesting! I am into being healthy and herbs and stuff and I felt your post to be very educational. Thanks!!
yea and allfalfa is also an antihistamine
Yes Alfalfa is very good for allergies and I have also used it for bladder infection and UTI's.
Hi Gwen, Thanks for the post, Historical Uses of Herbs:. I found it interesting. I was searching for information about healing herbs. Even though it's not quite what I was looking for, I appreciate your sharing. healing herbs Deb
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