Saturday, October 21, 2006


Cleanse - Liver & Basic Bowel
Are you plagued by digestive problems, gas and/or bloating, constipation, skin problems, high cholesterol, nausea, or a weight problem that doesn't improve no matter what you eat? Perhaps the blame can be placed on two unromantic areas of the body: the liver and large intestines.
The problem starts with incomplete elimination. Yes, I know you insist that you eliminate once every day "right on schedule." But consider that you are eating at least three times a day and that each meal produces waste products and fiber that should be eliminated the same number of times. Perhaps you have the opposite problem: diarrhea. Diarrhea is the worst form of constipation! With diarrhea, the body liquifies the waste in a desperate attempt to move it through a congested bowel. Diarrhea is a sure sign of constipation!
When elimination is incomplete, toxic material is often absorbed into the liver. While the liver is equipped to handle some toxic material, the amount arriving from a toxic bowel puts it on overload. Bile flow decreases, poor digestion results, and we decide the "indigestion" must be something we will have to live with.
A real clue as to whether this might be your problem is to evaluate whether or not you have a "pot-belly." A pot-belly is a true indicator of incomplete elimination and poor liver function.
Decreased bile flow and a sluggish bowel elimination, not dietary cholesterol, is the true culprit in high cholesterol. By increasing the amount of soluble fiber in the bowel, which both cleanses the bowel and binds itself to bile acids, a positive effect is seen on the cholesterol level. No longer is there an excessive reabsorption of bile acids and toxins from the bowel. Furthermore, the body must pull cholesterol from the blood to make more bile acids, resulting in a lower cholesterol level.
The body, in its innate wisdom, does everything it can to keep the bloodstream free of toxins, primarily through the detoxifying action of the liver. All blood from the intestinal tract is routed first to the liver, which does its best to filter the toxins out of the blood by dumping them into the bile. The bile, which is made from cholesterol, is then secreted into the intestinal tract to help digest fats. The liver and bile route can handle a certain quantity of toxins before becoming overwhelmed; however, in the pot-bellied individual the liver and bile route never get a break! The bile route becomes congested, and toxins then circulate systemically, reaching all the organs in the body. Systemic auto- intoxication results.
Pot-bellied individuals are 600% more likely to have high cholesterol levels and heart disease than their counterparts with flat abdomens. This is a direct result of autointoxication. Because the liver and bile route are congested, the body has no way of controlling cholesterol; the cholesterol elevates at the same time toxins circulate systemically. Coronary heart disease is a direct result of this scenario, created relatively independent of dietary cholesterol consumption. (pp.22-23, Flatten Your Stomach with a New Slant! by Dr. William F. Welles)
What, then, is the solution? Daily bowel cleansing (forever, if you wish to prevent a recurrence of this problem), elevating your feet while eliminating on the toilet, and liver cleansing and building just may help you feel like a kid again! Here's to your health!
* * * * * * * * * * * BOWEL CLEANSING: (Must be done in conjunction with Liver Cleansing)
1. PSYLLIUM HULLS, LO CLO or NATURE'S THREE: Use 1-3 Teaspoons twice daily to provide a high content of soluble fiber for bowel cleansing. If you prefer, you can take 10 - 15 capsules of Psyllium Hulls or Fat Grabbers. Drink 8-12 glasses of water throughout the day to help this fiber be as effective as possible.
2. LBSII, LB-X, or CASCARA SAGRADA; Take enough capsules to stimulate the bowel to evacuate a minimum of 2-3 times daily.
3. ACIDOPHILUS, FLORA FORCE, or BIFIDOPHILUS: Take 4-8 capsules upon rising to rebuild the beneficial bacteria in the bowel.
4. ALOE VERA JUICE & LIQUID CHLOROPHYLL: Take 1 ounce of each with your psyllium to enhance your cleansing, sooth your intestinal tract and assist you liver.
5. ELEVATING YOUR FEET: Use a stool or waste basket to elevate your feet while eliminating. Curl your back and neck forward, dropping your head toward your knees. This position encourages complete elimination while stimulating the points that trigger elimination.
1. LIV-A HERBAL COMBINATION: Take one capsule the first day, two capsules the second day, three capsules the third day, and so on until you have reached fourteen-eighteen capsules a day. Then work back down to one capsules a day. I.E. on the fifteenth day take 13 capsules, the sixteenth day take 12 capsules, the seventeenth day take 11 capsules. If at any time you feel that you are cleansing faster than you want to (too much nausea, gas, etc), stop the progression upward, staying at that level until you can comfortably continue your progression upward. You can also use Activated Charcoal, BP-X Concentrate, and/or Detoxification Homeopathic to help alleviate these symptoms of liver cleansing.
2. MILK THISTLE COMBINATION: Take two tablets twice daily for 6-8 weeks for liver support.
3. On the even-numbered days of your cleanse, take 2 Tablespoons of virgin olive oil mixed with 2 Tablespoons of lemon juice in the morning when you arise. To mix the mixture thoroughly, pour it quickly from one glass to another twenty times. Take 2 - 3 capsules of HiLipase to help you digest the oil.
DIETARY SUGGESTIONS: Limit fats in your diet as much as possible. Use butter or olive oil instead of margarine. Avoid fried foods and pastries and try not to have red meat more than once or twice a week.
After completing the Liver Cleanse, it is suggested that the following supplements be used daily to continue supporting your liver and maintain your good health:
1. PSYLLIUM HULLS, bulk or capsules,LO CLO, OR NATURE'S THREE - Twice daily 2. BOWEL STIMULATING COMBINATION - Only what is necessary for 2-3 eliminations a day 3. MILK THISTLE COMBINATION - 2-4 tablets daily 4. BP-C (Liver Weakened) or LIV-C (Liver Stressed) - As directed on the bottle t o continue building the liver, if you feel your health is not where you want it. Ask your sponsor if you are not sure which to use.

Time to Get Busy with blogging

Well I have been behind, as you can see, I started a new job and got fired from new job.....ooohhh well! So I have decided to go into my herbal business and Avon business full time. So you can check back here more often because I will be posting now that I have a lot more time.

Monday, March 27, 2006

More Historical Herb Uses

· Blue Cohosh - Regulates menstrual flow, makes childbirth easy, whooping cough,bronchial mucus, palpitations, high blood pressure and spasms.
· Boneset - Jaundice, fevers, flu, night sweats, bronchitis, skin disease.
· Buckthorn - Rheumatism, gout, dropsy, skin disease.
· Burdock - Blood purifier, diuretic, gout.
· Butcher’s Broom - Circulation, leg circulation, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, phlebitis thrombosis.
· Capsicum - Catalyst for all herbs, stops internal bleeding, circulation, use with lobelia for nerves. Use as a stimulant also for healing.
· Cascara Sagrada - Chronic constipation, gall stones, increases secretion of bile.
· Catnip - Convulsions in children, sleep aid, soothing to the nerves, insanity.
· Chamomile - Nerves, toothache, helps to stop smoking, alcohol, muscle pain.
· Chaparral - Cleanser, arthritis, blood purifier, acne and boils.
· Chickweed - Bronchial cleanser, eats carbohydrates (fat), deafness, peritonitis.
· Comfrey Root - Blood cleanser, ulcers, stomach, kidneys, bowel.
· Cornsilk - Kidney and bladder problems, prostrate gland for painful urination.
· Damiana - Sexual impotency, reproductive organs, loss of nerves, energy to limbs.
· Dandelion - Diuretic, kidney and bladder, iron anemia, gout, high in calcium and other vitamins and minerals.
· Dong Quai - Has been used to treat female problems, including menopause and hot flashes.
· Evening Primrose Oil - Weight loss, high blood pressure, eczema, hot flashes, M.S., arthritis, alcoholism.
· Eyebright - Aids the vision, the uppermost parts of the throat as far as the windpipe.